

I live in Kuningan, Beautiful counties with many appeal :)

Kuningan, is the one of counties in West Java province, Indonesia.
 Astronomic allocation of this counties is between 108 ° 23 '- 108 ° 47' east longitude and 6 ° 45 '- 7 ° 13' south latitude.This counties is located in the eastern part of West Java.
 Kuningan consists of 32 districts, which divided by 361 villages and 15 urban villages.
The eastern part of this counties is lowland, But in the west is the mountains,
 with the peak of Ciremai Muntain (3076 m).
 Ceremai mountain is the highest mountain in West Java.

Location of my hometown :

-Indonesia Map-

-West Java Map-

-Kuningan Map-

-Ciawigebang District-

-My House in Satelit-

(Courtesy : google map) 

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