(SENTENCE) Semester 1 - Writing 1 - Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
- Sentence is a group of words that make a complete mean
- Kind of sentence (berdasarkan jenis sentence):
- Declarative sentence/ assertive (FACT) -> menyampaikan, mengumumkan, atau melaporkan sesuatu/ declare something.
- Introgative sentence -> kalimat tanya
- Imperative sentence -> treaty (perjanjian), command, memohon dengan sangat, request, suggestion
- Exclamatory sentence -> biasanya diikuti tanda seru, some strong feeling, tiba2 (sudden)
- Optative sentence -> expressed a wish, pro debility (kemungkinan), supposition (perkiraan) (ex: it will rain today,etc)
- fly for the job : mencari kerja
- banana -> bodoh sekali
- Watching (for something indirect like television,etc), Seeing (for something direct like concert, etc)
- What a day ? (menandakan hari yang jengkel)
- Take a pity it is -> kasihan yah !
- what a shame ! -> memalukan !
- natural reasearch -> Sumber Daya Alam
- She ought to have been marriage right now -> sia seharusya sudah menikah sekaang.
- Gramatical Structural Spesification (jenis sentence berdasarkan strukturnya) :
- Simple sentences -> terdiri dari satu subject dan 1 object
- Compound sentences -> 2 or more coordinate clauses (sederajat) yaitu: (But, for, and, so, or, to, etc)
- Complex Sentence -> consist of one main clause (1 induk kalimat) dan 1 atau lebih anak kalimat (when, which, if, who, whenever, that , although, because, whatever, however, etc) Contoh :